Wednesday, 1 December 2010

A Newbie on the food blogging scene!

So, after becoming slightly obsessed with food I've decided that a good outlet would be to start a blog about my food endeavours. I am a Brit living abroad in the Netherlands and my aim is to show everyone over here how good British food is. (It's generally thought very badly of). Slowly but surely I'm getting there. I often send my baking into work with my boyfriend and there's always good feedback. (Hopefully they're not just being polite!) I won't just be posting about British food though, there's so much other stuff out there that needs to be tasted too. I'm still learning but maybe you can learn along with me.

My mam hates cooking so I didn't grow up hanging from her apron strings by the stove. I only became really into it when I moved here with my boyfriend and finally had my very own kitchen. I'm so glad I found food and can't wait to learn and eat more, more, more!